Living in Malta
I’m a huge fan of my fan
2Min superfläkt som jag fick av Kalle i midsommarpresent (årets bästa present!), går i stort sett dygnet runt nu.
Gizmo tycker också om att bli blåst.
Vilket väder
0Det blev riktig sommar här på Malta medan jag var i Sverige. Har 29-30 grader i sovrummet om nätterna. Luftfuktigheten är ganska hög; runt 80%.
Idag var det hela 15% risk för regn. Det är en del gråa moln på himlen och när jag var ut med Gizmo så kom det faktiskt några regndroppar.
Round Malta Cruise
1Idag ska vi på heldagcruising runt Malta och Comino. Dagen började mindre bra, då det det blivit missförstånd om var vi skulle hämtas. Men vi tog en taxi och hann med båten i alla fall.
My flight is cancelled
I was supposed to fly to Växjö today, but due to the volcanic ash my flight is cancelled. I was really looking forward to meet my friends in Växjö. Linda is throwing a party at her place on saturday because of me!
SWISS Airspace to be temporarily closed
Air services across much of Europe are being severely disrupted by a cloud of volcanic ash. The cloud, which originates from an eruption in Iceland, has prompted several European countries to close their airspace and airports down.
Situation for Monday 19 April
European services
For tomorrow Monday 19 April, all SWISS’s European services from and to Switzerland with departure times up to 20:00 have been cancelled. There is a strong probability that SWISS’s remaining European services tomorrow evening will also be cancelled.
Gizmo was attacked this morning
4Yesterday morning when I was taking a walk with Gizmo, we met an elderly man with a dog. The man stopped and held his dog tight as we passed by, and said that his dog didn’t like other dogs. So we hurried us past them.
This morning we met again. I was waiting for a car to pass by, at a corner of a house, when the man and the dog came from the other side of the corner. His dog attacked Gizmo berfore I even realized who they were.
The man were shouting to his dog, trying to make him stop, and I was trying to grab Gizmo. At one time I actually thought he was gonna kill Gizmo. He bit over Gizmo’s back and held him in the air for a few seconds, like Gizmo was light as a feather. Fortunately he lost his grip and just a few seconds later the owner got control over the him and Gizmo could run away.
I thought Gizmo was ok. I found a little blood in his fur but I saw no wounds. He was walking as normal, even in the stairs.
But around 11am he started to shiver – a lot! I thought he was cold (we have only 15°C inside) so I held him in my arms wrapped in a blanket for 10 minutes, but he didn’t stop shivering. He didn’t follow me to the kitchen, as he always does. And he didn’t strech as much as he ususally does.
So I called the vet. and got an appointment just half an hour later. Dr. Trevor examined Gizmo. He had a slight fever and seemed to have some pain in the back where he was bitten, but was only ihe muscles. Trevor also found a small wound. Nothing serious.
Gizmo got a shot with antibiotics and one for the pain. We also got some pills to give him the next 5 days.
I am so relieved that it was not more serious than that.
Ramla Bay and Dahlet Qorrot Bay
0On our way back to Mgarr Harbour we visited 2 bays on the north side of Gozo.

Ramla Bay is very popular in summer

Dahlet Qorrot Bay
Gordan Lighthouse
View from Gordan Lighthouse. The citadel is in the middle.

Gordan Lighthouse


Terrace-cultivation are used everywhere in Malta and Gozo

The way down from the lighthouse
Cool waves at Dwejra Bay
Cool waves!

Azure window

Pelle, Kalle and Gizmo looking at the waves

Small waves in inland sea



Fungus Rock

Dwejra Bay
High waves and swaying ferry
Waves at Cirkewwa ferry terminal

On the ferry to Gozo
-Not the best day for going with the ferry. That’s what I crossed my mind when we were waiting for departure at Cirkewwa. The waves were not huge, but big enough for the ferry to sway from one side to the other. It was a nice boat trip to Gozo anyway, and we came to Mgarr harbour without any problems.
Dingli Cliffs
Low clouds at Dingli cliffs
Last stop for the day was Dingli cliffs. Unfortunately it was raining when we got there and the clouds were really low, so there wasn’t much of a view either.