Posts tagged christmas
Sunday market in Marsaxlokk
0Today we went to Marsaxlokk for the Sunday market. Here are some examples of things to buy:

Embroidered tablecloths

Locally grown vegetables

Spices and herbs


Christmas parade

Christmas parade
Christmas Day lunch at Allegro Andante
We had a nice lunch at Allegro Andante, by Spinola Bay
Christmas Eve
Inlagd sill and rödbetssallad
We didn’t have all the traditional food we usually eat in Sweden on Christmas Eve, but Jan-Olof brought inlagd sill from Sweden and I made rödbetssallad after my grandmother’s recipe. We also had Findus småköttbullar and knäckebröd that we bought here in Malta. Kalle found som kind of sausage that looked like prinskorv, but it didn’t taste like prinskorv. The only thing I missed was julskinka.

Gizmo is checking out the christmas gifts

Kalle is also checking out christmas gifts. He gave me the Wii game "Wii Fit Plus" that I wanted, and now he is checking it out.

Gizmo and Pelle

Swedish visitors
0Kalle’s parents Gunvor and Jan-Olof and one of Kalle’s three brothers, Pelle, arrived today to celebrate christmas with us. I am so happy to see them and I’m glad they wanted to come and visit us!
Gävlebocken on fire
The goat could not be saved

03.20 AM

Bye bye Gävlebocken...
At 3 am the big goat in Gävle was set on fire and could not be saved.
I’ve finally been to Candynavia!
0What a day!
I decided to do some christmas shopping today. And so did the rest of Malta I think! I took the bus to Valletta and stayed there for several hours looking for christmas decorations and christmas gifts.
In the afternoon I went to Sliema to buy some clothes and more gifts. when I was done I had 3 big shopping bags in each hand. After spending 20 min waiting for the bus I gave up and found and started looking for a taxi that could take me to St Julians. By then I was really tired.
10 min and €12 later – candy heaven!
I just couldn’t resist! I try not to eat candy, but when I left the store I had bought at almost 1 kilo of Malaco smågodis (pick n mix), OLW chips and ostbågar. Yammy!


Swedish candy!
Santa’s cap – not just for show

I like Santa's cap!
I have had a sore throat for a few days now and today I have been freezing. So I’m wearing almost all warm clothes I have now; long-sleeved shirt, sweater, scarf and warm socks. But I have no cap, so I’ve borrowed Santa’s cap. It’s keeping me warm!
I’m drinking tea with honey now and I hope I feel better tomorrow.
Is there really no more fans of egg liqueur?
An old Aladdin-box I bought for my collection of old stuff a few years ago.
A few weeks ago I participated in a vote on which praline I like best in the Aladdin-box. I have several favourites but the one I finally voted for was the egg liqueur praline.
Today I read the result on My favourite praline didn’t even get 4% of the votes?! I’m surprized. The praline will be removed in next years edition of the box. So, all of you who have an Aladdin-box but does not like Ägglikör, please send them to me!
Christmas cards are on the way
0This morning I went to The bright spot (a small shop just around the block that sells about everything but food) to buy stamps for my Christmas cards. I bought amost all their stock of Europe stamps (sorry). The stamps are cheap here compared to Sweden. It is cheaper to send letters to Japan or USA from Malta than to send letters within Sweden!
This is an overview for normal letter, max weight 20g in Sweden/50g in Malta.
Local mail
Malta €0.19 (approx. 2.00 SEK)
Sweden 6.00 SEK (approx. €0.56)
Within Europe
Malta €0.37 (approx. 4.00 SEK)
Sweden 12.00 SEK (approx. €1.12)
Outside Europe
Malta €0.51 (approx. 5.50 SEK)
Sweden 12.00 SEK (approx. €1.12)
I must say that it felt very wierd to post the Christmas cards wearing t-shirt, in 18°C!
Just a pile of soft gingerbread pieces left
Two walls down...
It didn’t take long for the rest of my tower to collapse. Half an hour ago Kalle shouted from the kitchen that two walls were down and while I was downloading the photos to the computer he shouted again that all walls had fell.

Just a pile of gingerbread pieces left

All walls down...