Posts tagged wii
Christmas Eve
Inlagd sill and rödbetssallad
We didn’t have all the traditional food we usually eat in Sweden on Christmas Eve, but Jan-Olof brought inlagd sill from Sweden and I made rödbetssallad after my grandmother’s recipe. We also had Findus småköttbullar and knäckebröd that we bought here in Malta. Kalle found som kind of sausage that looked like prinskorv, but it didn’t taste like prinskorv. The only thing I missed was julskinka.

Gizmo is checking out the christmas gifts

Kalle is also checking out christmas gifts. He gave me the Wii game "Wii Fit Plus" that I wanted, and now he is checking it out.

Gizmo and Pelle

Feeling better!
0After 5 days of coughing and sneezing I finally feel better. I felt better already after two days and thought I could work on friday, but I didn’t wake up until 12.30 friday afternoon, so I guess I wasn’t ready for work after all.
Guitar Hero
This weekend Kalle made me play Guitar Hero on wii. I’ve tried it before but I didn’t like it at all. Probably because I’m the worst Guitar Hero player in the world. But now I’ve tried to play the bass guitar and it’s sooo much easier and I really enjoyed it! Bass is too easy and boooooring, some of you Guitar Hero players out there might say. But I’ll stick to playing bass for now anyway! We’ve borrowed a wii guitar from our Swedish friends (they are in Sweden during Christmas) so we could play together. That was fun!
Painted wall
Our handyman was here saturday to paint the wall in the study. We hope the wall is dry enough now. Time will tell.

The holes are filled and the wall is ready to be painted
The grasshopper I told you about last week, is still sitting in our lemon tree. Since he kind of moved in with us I’ve decided to call him Benjamin. I wonder how long Benjamin will stay with us?
Eco Friendly?
- Green gas
The gas company have painted the gas cylinders green (they used to be yellow). I’ve read in the paper that the only reason is to give the impression that the gas is eco friendly.
Shopping all day long
0…well, in the afternoon at least.
We got up late this morning. I think we were all tired, even Gizmo. After breakfast Kalle played guitar hero, while I lay on the couch half asleep, listening, with Gizmo sleeping in my arms. Mmm, it was nice!

We didn't buy anything in the first shop.

Here they had a lot of stuff and we bought 2 Moravian stars
I think the maltese people like Christmas lights a lot. The more they blink the better it is.

Flashing stars... not my type of Moravian star

Sweet memories!
In one of the stores I found porcelain figures just like the figures that me and my sister got when we were children. I still have mine, but it is broken and glued together again.

Mixed peel
We also went to Pavi’s for grocery shopping, and I bought ingredients for ginger bread and mulled wine (glögg). But we didn’t find all the spices for glögg. I think we spent 40 minutes trying to find bitter orange peels (pomerans-skal). The only peels they had was a box of diced and coloured mixed peels. I bought it of pure frustration, but I think I will use the peel from fresh oranges instead.